Saturday, October 31, 2009

Population in Claymation!

Okay, not the greatest claymation video of all time but not bad for a first time attempt! Stefan, Sade and I put this together in class yesterday. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for posting this! I really enjoyed doing this project with you and Sade. Although the final, tangible result may not be amazing, the process was informative and fun. (Something to remember as teachers). The project gave me of ideas on claymation and project based activities that I could bring to my classroom. Hope you had the same experience, too.

  2. This is sweet! You should totally do a claymation of the Civil War! (in 4 minutes??? lol) Or have kids do that as a project or something. Instead of a stinky timeline...that is, if you ever teach a grade level that requires making time lines.
