Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am a cartoon

My great friend Donna told me about this cool website FaceYourManga that will help you create an anime avatar. I wasn't thrilled with my screen photo and I wanted something interesting but that was still clearly me. Well, voila! It (kinda) looks like me, right? Right? This is why I love the web, you can find all sorts of interesting applications and tools that can make your blog or twitter account more than just a repository of information. It becomes a total reflection of your way of looking at the world. I think you can tell a lot about a person by they way they design their web pages. What are their priorities? What functionality matters to them? How do they want to communicate with the rest of us? Even though this stuff is not exactly new to the world, so much of it is new to me and I'm having the best time exploring cool and innovative ways of expressing myself. I used to be really creative as a child. I painted, drew pictures, used clay and collage. I love performing as an actor but there is something unique about creating something with your hands. Yes, typing on a screen doesn't get my hands dirty. But I still feel like I'm sharing elements of myself everytime I publish a blog post or post a video or reply on twitter. It's pretty cool!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about creating things online. I spent a solid two hours one night Photoshopping a header for my blog and editing the HTML for the template so it looked the way I wanted it to. It seemed like a massive waste of time, but I felt so accomplished when I was I had created something.
